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Engineering a Balanced Life with Reagan Zimmerman

In this episode, I sit down with my second cousin, Reagan Zimmerman, a brilliant MIT graduate and engineer at Ford Motor Company. We dive into her journey from high school robotics to racing cars and breaking barriers as a woman in STEM. Reagan shares the unexpected way she ended up at MIT, her experiences in a male-dominated field, and the lessons she’s learned about work-life balance while building an exciting career.

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Live & Learn

Live & Learn

This Patreon is a place for things that belong behind a paywall, including more intimate details about my life as well as exclusive offers for my Live & Learn listeners. These episodes, like the ones on my free podcast platform, will still include a brief lesson, followed by an activity to engage you in the lesson, with some (optional) homework or action steps. It is my hope that by engaging in each lesson and hearing its connection to my life, you will take away a deeper connection to the human experience and what it means to LIVE and LEARN together.

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